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EBOLA: Heartbreaking Photos From Liberia

As Liberia keeps battling the scourge of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease  (EVD) , heartbreaking photos have emerged, which display a horrible state at which the country is.
According to the World Health Organization,  a total of 152 new cases of Ebola virus disease (laboratory-confirmed, probable, and suspect cases) as well as 76 deaths have been reported from Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone between 13th and 14th of August, 2014.
Getty Images photographer,  John Moore has however took his time to travel to Monrovia, Liberia,  to chronicle harrowing scenes in the country which is in the grip of the deadly Ebola disease. Liberia is the second most affected country after Guinea where this recent outbreak started from.
View the heartbreaking photos below:
ebola epidemic Liberia
A mother and child stand on top of a mattress in an Ebola isolation station in Liberia for suspected victims of the virus.
Patients in the Ebola isolation centre are forced to sleep on mattresses on the floor after being sent to the facility suspected of having the disease
Patients in the Ebola isolation centre are forced to sleep on mattresses on the floor after being sent to the facility suspected of having the disease
the ward, in a former primary school, is where people suspected of having the virus are sent by health workers
A ward, in a former primary school, is where people suspected of having the virus are sent by health workers
woman stands over her husband with her head in her hands, after he staggered and fell, knocking him unconscious in an Ebola ward in Liberia
woman stands over her husband with her head in her hands, after he staggered and fell, knocking him unconscious in an Ebola ward in Liberia
Workers wearing protective clothing and masks look on as the woman desperately tries to help her husband who has fallen to the ground     ~BADOO OF COVENTRY     August 16, 2014 at 11:10 AM  Steveosky 4 Real. said...     After perusing through these pictures, for sure you can agree that Nigerians are in a more better condition. I don't wish this for my enemy..!!     August 16, 2014 at 11:10 AM  olasumbo joseph said...     There's more to this     August 16, 2014 at 11:11 AM  Alloy Chikezie said...     Ah! I pray it doesn't get to this in Nigeria     Your comment will be visible after approval     August 16, 2014 at 11:11 AM  Chris Okafor said...     These people should get help from WHO ASAP...this is disheartening.     August 16, 2014 at 11:14 AM  Ceeflo said...     I admire journalists!....such courage..Liberians ain't finding it easy at all....gory pictures!     August 16, 2014 at 11:14 AM  Anonymous said...     Tears.....     August 16, 2014 at 11:14 AM  Rosemary Chidi said...     This is serious...Lord have mercy     August 16, 2014 at 11:15 AM  Chuks Samuel said...     So so touching. May God help us.     August 16, 2014 at 11:15 AM  #king said...     courageous man..pple are really suffering..May jah kip us...............................#KingOfKings     August 16, 2014 at 11:16 AM  Anonymous said...     dishearting and perilous time for africans, despite the poverty and hardship, yet nature did not smile on us with dis kind of dreaded virus.     August 16, 2014 at 11:17 AM  Post a Comment Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Galaxy Samsung promo Galaxy Samsung promo Click banner for details Diamond Bank Diamond Bank Julius Agwu's Crack Ya Ribs Julius Agwu's Crack Ya Ribs Click banner to buy tickets Cooking contest Cooking contest Click now to enter FCMB FCMB Ecowas Fashion Week MRP MRP Love fashion? Then click here Dangote Cement Dangote Cement Native and Vogue Native and Vogue
Workers wearing protective clothing and masks look on as the woman desperately tries to help her husband who has fallen to the ground Continue reading
ebola epidemic Liberia
ebola epidemic Liberia
ebola epidemic Liberia
ebola epidemic Liberia
ebola epidemic Liberia
ebola epidemic Liberia
It would be recalled that Nigeria had a clean record of the Ebola Virus Disease not until the Liberian-American named Patrick Sawyer brought it into the country,


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