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Showing posts from August 27, 2014

Health Tips: What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Smoking?

Here are some facts about what happens to the smokers’ body after they quit smoking. The following facts may help smokers to quit smoking. 20 Minutes after you stop  Lower blood pressure and pulse occur 20 minutes after the last smoked cigarette. 24 Hours after stopping  Smokers have a 70% greater chance of having a heart attack. Just one day after you quit smoking, the risk of having a heart attack starts to decrease. 48 hours after stopping smoking  The senses of smell and taste begin to renew. Three days after stopping  The body will completely clean itself out of nicotine. However, the effects of nicotine stay for a while. Possible physical symptoms may occur, symptoms such as dizziness, headache and cramps. Between one month and nine months after quitting The lungs are starting to be more resistant to infection. One year after quitting The risk of heart and other diseas...