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Showing posts from August 26, 2014

Here’s What Happens Inside You When a Mosquito Bites

All of us know that the feeling when mosquito bites us is not exactly pleasant. Also, all of us can recognize the swelling that comes after the bite. But do you know how the process when bitten by an insect looks? Find out below what exactly happens to your body when the insect chooses you as its “meal”. Before the Bite The warmth of your body is a real lure for mosquitoes. Because of the heat, flies and other insects can feel you even from 150 meters away. Although men release more heat and carbon monoxide, they are more protected from insects because they are more hairy than women. Since women are not as hairy they are more exposed to insects. During the Bite First, insects go down on your skin and examine the territory. They penetrate below your skin and before they intake a certain amount of blood they inject some of their saliva, as a tranquilizer. By the time you feel the sting, the mosquito had probably already been fed. ...