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Ebola experimental drug 'Nanosilver' is a pesticide US warns

Yesterday we heard that an experimental drug called 'Nanosilver' developed by a Nigerian in diaspora for the treatment of Ebola has arrived the country.
But now, despite the experimental drug getting approval for use by the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is claiming that Nanosilver is a pesticide

From Reuters
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Thursday it has become aware of products being sold online that fraudulently claim to prevent or treat Ebola.
The FDA's warning comes on the heels of comments by Nigeria's top health official, Onyebuchi Chukwu, who reportedly said earlier Thursday that eight Ebola patients in Lagos, the country's capital, will receive an experimental treatment called nano-silver.
Silver has been used as an antibacterial for centuries. Tiny silver particles known as nano-silver have controversially been incorporated into a variety of consumer products such as socks and bedding to help block odors caused by bacteria and mold.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considers nano-silver a pesticide. Manufacturers of products that contain it must register them with the agency.

Nano-silver is also sometimes sold online as a dietary supplement even though Danish researchers found in a recent study that nano-silver can penetrate and damage cells.

The FDA regulates dietary supplements and said in its statement that "by law, dietary supplements cannot claim to prevent or cure disease."

The agency said it had received consumer complaints about the Ebola claims.

"Individuals promoting these unapproved and fraudulent products must take immediate action to correct or remove these claims or face potential FDA action," the agency said.

The Ebola outbreak ravaging West Africa has claimed 1,069 lives so far. Most have been in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Nigeria has confirmed 10 cases of the disease and four deaths.


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